• Fire and Safety Training
This session is designed to teach preventive measures that will minimize causes of fire
or fire hazards in the workplace, and to teach proper use of a fire extinguisher. Risks to
employees and the workplace can be reduced if your employees are aware of their
responsibility to promptly report fire related hazards, and know what action to take if
there is a fire.
At the end of the session, your staff members will have a better understanding of fire dangers. They’ll be able to help spot and reduce fire risks in your workplace.
The session covers:
- Appreciation of Fire Precautions
- Importance of Good Housekeeping
- Importance of Means of Escape
- Actions on Discovering a Fire
- Fire Safety in the Workplace
- Introduction to Fire Extinguishers
- Classes of Fire
- Selecting the Right Extinguisher
- Identification of Extinguisher Types
- Methodology of Use
- Limitations and Capabilities
- Extinguisher Features
- Practical use of Extinguishers
- Fire Blankets
- Visual Inspection of a Fire Extinguisher
If you have questions about our services, or need support, contact us today.